Original Cowboy Cookbook: Recipes From 1840s Wild Wes Medley
Original Cowboy Cookbook with recipes from the 1840s recreates over 200 recipes from bunkhouse, chuck wagon, cook shack, line shack, saloon, trail drive cooking, and main house cooking. The cookbook was produced by rodeo champion Wild Wes Medley.
Format: Softcover, spiral bound, 103 pages
Copyright: 1989
Publisher: Original Western Productions
Author: Wes Medley
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Description: The old-time cowboy cooking is definitely a lost art! I think it is a lost art because most of the old-time cowboy cooks who cooked for the trail drives, bunkhouses, and cook shacks were men and they never wrote, anything down. Even the cattle barons had men cooks who worked at their ranches and even at the brothels the madam usually had a male cook who also served as a house bouncer.
As time went on, there came an end to the trail drives, saloons that served meals, and ranch life became more commercialized along with commercialized food. Therefore, we came upon a time of the lost art of this original cowboy cooking and entered an age of the modern-day cooking, which doesn't come close to comparing with the savory taste of old-time cowboy cooking.
Condition: Good condition. Inside cover has a small patch of worn paper.
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