Timothy's Restaurant Cookbook Hartford, Connecticut

Timothy's Restaurant Cookbook Hartford, Connecticut is a rare cookbook from the former restaurant of Timothy Otte and his wife Edna. The Otte's captured the popular restaurant's recipes for all of its customers to enjoy. Additionally, there are recipes from Chef Scott Spillane of Timothy's. The year of publication is not stated, but it is likely from the late 1980s from references inside the cookbook. If you collect restaurant cookbooks or are a Hartford local or former customers of Timothy's Restaurant, this scarce cookbook is a must-have for your cookbook collection. 


Format: Softcover spiral bound, 41 pages. 


Publisher: Timothy's Restaurant 

Author: Timothy J. Otte 

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Additional Details

Description: There are three compelling reasons for publishing this cookbook of Timothy's Restaurant in Hartford, Connecticut. The first and foremost is that it was the realization of Edna Otte's (wife of owner Timothy J Otte and partner in the restaurant) dream to publish this cookbook. 

The second reason for this cookbook was in response to the many customers who have asked for recipes or requested a cookbook from Timothy's Restaurant.

And finally, this cookbook was designed to share the Otte's favorite wonderful recipes from 15 years of Timothy's Restaurant existence, including recent delicious additions from Chef Scott Spillane of the restaurant. 


Condition: Good condition. One very faded small spot on cover. 

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