That Man in the Kitchen Vintage Cookbook

That Man in the Kitchen is a vintage cookbook from 1946. The cookbook was designed for male home cookbook and is a lighthearted cookbook from Malcolm LaPrade who had a radio series called "The Man from Cook's."


Format: Hardcover with dust jacket, 244 pages. 

Copyright: 1946 

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin company 

Author: Malcolm LaPrade 

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Description: The Man in the Kitchen goes in for cooking-by-ear, as he calls it. He tucks the measuring spoons behind the clock and covers the face of the clock with any convenient dish towel. He can bake a cake and wash a dog simultaneously without getting the recipes twisted, and can set a pan of foolproof bread while actually dummying in a bridge game. Something of a stickler, however, he cooks his bacon in the oven, and never starts beating his eggs until he takes them out of their shells. Undoubtedly he has a nodding acquaintance with Fanny Farmer, even if he won't admit it. 

Here is a book that explains how the average man can cook painlessly and agreeably with every prospect of success. It also contains a subtle and pointed chapter entitled 'How to Teach a Woman to Cook.' Far from being a mere collection of recipes, it is a philosophy of cookery and good eating, with emphasis on the creative side. It not only permits but actually encourages interpolations and improvisations which arise from the imagination and individuality of the cook. As a revolutionary docuMent it belongs in the bracket with 'Das Kapital.' 

Soups, entrees, meats, fowl and wild game, vegetables, salads, hors d'oeuvres, wines, desserts -- everything is here even to famous regional dishes sampled in the four corners of the earth. Last but not least is a chapter on bread-making, the tested advice of one who for two years has baked all the bread eaten in his household. The running text constitutes a sly and mirth-provoking commentary on the American home. 


Condition: The dust jacket has tears, mainly around the edges. The interior is in good condition. 

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