Dolphin Dishes Cookbook - Submarine Force United States Navy

Dolphin Dishes Cookbook is a favorite recipes vintage cookbook from families of the Submarine Force of the United States Navy. This is the 1959 edition. Each recipe contains the name of its contributor. 


Format: Softcover spiral bound, 284 pages 

Copyright: 1959, Second Edition 

Publisher: Submarine Cookbook Committee 

Author: Families of the Submarine Force, United States Navy  

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Additional Details

Description: The wives of the Submarine Force published Dolphin Dishes Cookbook for the benefit of the Navy Relief Society. The cookbook's recipes were contributed by submariners -- active and retired -- wives, widows, from all parts of the world. From the interchange of recipes from families to ships, and from ships to home, came the seeds which later bore abundant fruit and elevated the cooks of our fighting submarines to a status wherein they, with the engines and torpedoes are the vital triumvirate of every boat. A cookbook produced from such a background of tradition and experience cannot fail to be full of surprises and gustatory delights for all of its users. 


Condition: Front cover has a slightly faded spot. Further good condition. 

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