St. Croix Landmarks Society: Crucian Confusion Cookn'

This special cookbook, St. Croix Landmarks Society: Crucian Confusion Cookn', brings you recipes from the organization members, the community, and recipes from local chefs and restaurants in St. Croix. Each recipe contains the name of its respective contributor. 


Format: Softcover spiral bound, 74 pages. 

Copyright: 1993 

Publisher: St. Croix Landmarks Society 

Author: Members of the St. Croix Landmarks Society 

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Additional Details

Description: Crucian Confusion Cookin' is, as its name implies, is a light-hearted compilation of recipes given by people from all walks of life and numerous geographic locations. 

It is not meant to be historical though many of the dishes will evoke memories of the past. It is not meant to be strictly local though it contains many "pinches of local flavor." 


Condition: Good condition. 

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