Shaare a Taste Congreation Shaare Emeth St. Louis
This Shaare a Taste cookbook by the Congregation Shaare Emeth temple in St. Louis, Missouri shares recipes from its members. There are many pages of Jewish recipes inside the cookbook like Chocolate Matzo Torte, Dried Cherry Matzo Kugel, Sweet Noodle Kugel, Passover Cheesecake with Strawberry Sauce, and more. There are also all kinds of American and international recipe favorites.
Format: Hardcover spiral bound, 311 pages.
Copyright: 2002
Publisher: Morris Press Cookbooks
Author: Members of the Shaare Emeth Congregation
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Description: This is a Jewish temple cookbook collectible from Congregation Shaare Emeth in St. Louis. It contains over 300 pages of recipes, including many Jewish dishes.
Condition: Inside cover has a gift inscription in ink. Further good condition.
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