Riversong Lodge Cookbook Alaska
The Riversong Lodge Cookbook: World-Class Cookin in the Alaskan Bush showcases the great food from Riversong Lodge on the Yentna River. Inside this cookbook, the Lodge's owners share their 160 easy-to-make recipes. Fans of Riversong won't want to miss this opportunity to bring a little piece of it home to your own kitchens.
Format: Hardcover and dust jacket, 270 pages
Copyright: 1993
Publisher: Alaska Northwest Books
Author: Kirsten Dixon
ISBN: 9780882404318
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Description: For over a decade, Kirsten and Carl Dixon have offered travelers both the adventure of Alaska's wilderness and the pleasures of their Riversong Lodge kitchen. The log lodge the Dixons built on the banks of the Yentna River has fast been earning worldwide recognition for great fishing and for the best food in Alaska. Now those who may never visit Riversong, some 70 miles northwest of Anchorage, can sample a host of lodge favorites.
The Riversong Lodge Cookbook collects over 160 of Kirsten Dixon's easy-to-prepare recipes, all arranged by season. In this very personal cookbook, which is both homey and sophisticated, Kirsten Dixon also describes her family's unique life at Riversong. In winter, moose glide like ships through the snows around the lodge. In spring, Kirsten, Carl, and young daughters coexist with black bears. Summer is garden time for both the Dixons and neighboring creatures -- "Everyone seems to take delight in munching crisp snow peas from the vine and fat black currants from the bushes near the gate." And autumn brings bird migrations and the putting by of the summer garden harvest -- rhubarb chutney, rose hip catsup, sorrel ginger jelly, and more.
While Kirsten sets a rich, varied country table -- from broiled salmon in a horseradish ginger crust, to wildflower pasta, to white chocolate rose petal tart with red currants -- she always keeps the home cook in mind. Stressing flavor, nutrition, simplicity, and visual appeal, she brings her distinctive approach to familiar ingredients, whether it's halibut in Pacific paella, or a bread pudding made of sourdough and slathered with Yukon Jack Sauce.
Throughout The Riversong Lodge Cookbook, you'll experience the taste treats of the Riversong kitchen and enjoy vignettes of the Dixons' northern dream. And maybe you'll be lured by Kirsten's invitation: "If you haven't been to Alaska, I urge you to come. I'll cook you a nice hot stew and we'll linger near the wood stove, telling tales of life along the river."
Condition: Good condition.
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