Red Hats Society Cookbook Tea Time Recipes

Recipes for afternoon tea courtesy of the Red Hats Society cookbook, Red Hats, Purple Shoes and Afternoon Teas arms tea lovers with finger sandwiches, scones, desserts and more. 


Format: Softcover spiral bound, 124 pages. 

Copyright: 2003 

Publisher: CQ Products Publications 

Author: CQ Products 

ISBN: 9781563831669

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Additional Details

Description: For all you classy ladies in red -- may you revel in your afternoon teas! 

Gather fellow Red Hatters for tea, finger sandwiches, cookies and scones, luscious desserts and perhaps even a cocktail or two. 

But most of all, do what Red Hatters do best - have fun! 

A few favorites... 

  • Lemon Tea Bars
  • Coffee House Scones
  • Almond Chicken Salad
  • Petite Cherry Tarts
  • Frozen Strawberry Margaritas


Condition: Good condition. 

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