Out Of This Kitchen Cookbook - History of Ethnic Foods Steel Valley Pittsburgh

Out Of This Kitchen Cookbook - History of Ethnic Foods Steel Valley Pittsburgh is a wonderful and unique cookbook with a lot of international recipes that you won't typically see in other cookbooks. This is a wonderful cookbook for both the cultural aspect, and for the recipes. 


Format: Softcover spiral bound, 186 pages 

Copyright: 1998, Second Edition 

Publisher: Publassist 

Author: Dan Karaczun, Conception, Editor 

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Additional Details

Description: Out Of This Kitchen Cookbook was funded in part by the Steel Industry Heritage Corporation, dedicated to preserving the industrial history of the Steel Valley in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Recipes were contributed by the people of the Steel Valley. Many of these recipes hadn't been written down until this cookbook was published. 

Recipes are from a range of different ethnicities and cultures including Scotch-Irish, Russian, Macedonian, German, World War I and II, Jews, and more. This is a very interesting cookbook for those of you interested in the history of the Steel Valley community. The recipes are truly international in nature -- many very unique. 


Condition: Good condition. 

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