Open Your Heart to The Danish Open Cookbook
Open Your Heart to The Danish Open cookbook features 110 Danish smorrebroed recipes. The Davidsen family is legendary in Denmark and have shared their top recipes here with you. Inside you'll learn to make the perfect Danish Open Sandwiches Take home the charm and flavors of Denmark with Open Your Heart to the Danish Open cookbook.
Format: Hardcover, 119 pages.
Copyright: 1999
Publisher: L&R Fakta
Author: Ida Davidsen and Mia Davidsen
ISBN: 9788761401472
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Description: "Smoerrebroed" is a Danish invention perfected since the last century by the Davidsen family. In "Open your heart to the Danish Open" the great grand daughter of Oslcar Davidsen, Ida Davidsen, presents an abundance of variations on the smoerrebroed theme.
Here you find recipes for the more traditional kind of smoerrebroed like "Fried herring in a vinegar marinade", or "Roast Port with red Cabbage" combined with the more sophisticated like "Red Aalborg", "Hans Christian Andersen", "Union Jack", Crown Prince Frederik", Michael Laudrup" and many more.
There is something for everybody. "Open your heart" contains easy-to-do recipes for a total of 110 smoerrebroed plucked from the world's longest list of smoerrebroed. Ida Davidsen also shares a lot of her own "basic" recipes which are necessary when you want to make the perfect Danish Open Sandwich.
Jane Aamund has written the foreword and the history of the Davidsen Dynasty telling the story of the 100 years of unbroken family tradition for quality and Danish cooking.
A wine merchant called Oskar Davidsen lived in Copenhagen during the latter part of the last century. Whenever he had a wine tasting his guests would get hungry and this was how his wife Petra came to play her role in the history of Danish gastronomy. In 1888 she started making smoerrebroed for the guests in the shop's back room. The whole business flourished and the House of Davidsen was founded. Its reputation soon spread all over Europe and Scandinavia.
Ida Davidsen is Petra s great grand daughter. She began her career in USA but is now back in Copenhagen running the family business together with her husband and children. The successful restaurant is located in St. Kongensgade where they moved after a spell at Soepavillonen by the lakes of Copenhagen.
Guests from all over the world gather here to choose their smoerrebroed at the counter from the world s longest list of smoerrebroed numbering 178 varieties of Danish Open Sandwiches.
Condition: Very good condition.
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