The Nashville Cookbook

The Nashville Cookbook is a wonderful regional recipe book with historic imagery from the Nashville and Cumberland Region in Tennessee. The name of the recipes' contributors are alongside their respective recipe. 


Format: Softcover spiral bound, 339 pages. 

Copyright: 1988 Ninth Printing, Second Edition 

Publisher: Nashville Area Home Economics Association 

Author: Members of The Nashville Cookbook Committee 

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Additional Details

Description: The Nashville Cookbook is a sampler of the best of Nashville. More than a cookbook, it is a community record and a celebration of food, history, homes, and hospitality. From the pioneer period to the present, from the earthy to the elegant, from the simple to the sumptuous, the cookbook portrays regional food and life styles. 

The Nashville Cookbook is a collection of traditional and currently favored recipes in the area. It is additionally, a veritable showcase of collectors' prints of historic Nashville and the Cumberland Region. The old and the nostalgic, the stimulating and the new, are included in The Nashville Cookbook. 


Condition: Good condition. 

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