Mrs. Applegate Boarding House Cookbook

Mrs. Applegate Boarding House Cookbook captures 40 recipes from this popular Liberty Falls, Colorado boarding house of the same name. 


Format: Hardcover, 96 pages. 

Copyright: 1995 

Publisher: International Resourcing Services, Inc. 

Author: Susan K. Jones 

ISBN: 9780964617919

$14.00 $11.99

Additional Details

Description: Mrs. Applegate's Boarding House was known far and wide for its hospitality and home-cooked breakfasts and dinners. The popular Liberty Falls Boarding House owner and mother of six started a thriving business based on her wisdom and knowledge of just what it takes to create a happy and welcoming home. 

Now you can join one of your favorite Liberty Falls residents as she shares her treasured recipes from her Boarding House kitchen. Forty of her boarders' favorites are included in this cookbook (sure to soon be your family's favorites, too). And each selection is accompanied by a warm, from-the-heart story behind the recipe. 

The aroma of a hearty stew is beginning to waft through the air, so grab a chair -- or head for your own kitchen -- and enjoy Mrs. Applegate's Boarding House Cookbook. 


Condition: Good condition. 

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