Lowbush Moose and Other Alaskan Recipes

Lowbush Moose and Other Alaskan Recipes shares recipes from Gordon R. Nelson, a retired Alaska State Tropper. Many of the recipes are regional dishes and they are accompanied by stories, often humorous, from Nelson's experience. 


Format: Softcover, 198 pages. 

Copyright: 1985, Sixth Printing 

Publisher: Alaska Northwest Books 

Author: Gordon R. Nelson 

ISBN: 9780882401126

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Description: Lowbush moose, in case you didn't grow up in Alaska, is rabbit; highbush moose is the other kind, the big one. Either kind, with the right treatment, makes good eating and Gordon Nelson not only knows how to catch such a meal but how to fry, saute, tenderize, marinate or stew it. He can also help you get rid of a highbush moose living on your front porch. 

A lifetime Alaskan, Gordon Nelson has spent much of that lifetime compiling a collection of recipes that ranges from depression-era beans to basic bachelor salad to crab with steak Bearnaise. Lowbush Moose is the result. Although many of Nelson's recipes are based on the foods of Alaska, he offers alternative ingredients for residents of the Lower 48, always keeping a close watch on food prices. 

Mixed in with the recipes are the stories behind them: the Indian who jogged with a caribou herd, the mess hall that made a delight out of cannery work, the joy of a 10-year-old boy -- Nelson -- catching a 279-pound halibut from an eight-foot punt. 

Nelson, who is retired from the Alaska State Troopers, says, "I stand six feet tall, weigh 250 pounds, and can develop a steely glint in my light blue eyes. I know that you would like my cooking." 

You'd like it anyway. His stories will make you laugh out loud; his recipes you head with the speed of a lowbush moose straight for your kitchen. 


Condition: Cover has heavy crease and some scratches at bottom right corner. 

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