Presentations Cookbook Lied Center Nebraska

Presentations, a collection of culinary favorites from Lied Center of Performing Arts in Lincoln, Nebraska published this cookbook with 325 recipes from the community. 


Format: Hardcover internal spiral bound, 262 pages. 

Copyright: 1993 

Publisher: Wimmer Companies 

Author: Friends of Lied 

ISBN: 9780963650207

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Additional Details

Description: Presentations... a collection of culinary favorites is an entertaining tour through some of the Midwest's finest cultural fare. Sensational recipes, show-stopping party menus and special finishing touches make this a book all cooks will want to add to their repertories. 

Presentations... Features more than 325 twice-tested recipes, eight imaginative party menus designed to share the tastes of our Nebraska home and a glittering array of favorite celebrity dishes. 

Presentations... Is the cookbook to turn to for encore culinary performances. Collected by the Friends of Lied, this cookbook is like no other. Proceeds from this creative medley will benefit programs and performances of the Lied Center for Performing Arts at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 


Condition: Good condition. 

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