Leo Baeck Temple Cookbook - Bel Air, California
Temple Leo Baeck in Bel Air California published this Leo Baeck Cookbook. This is a hard-to-find cookbook with a range of favorites recipes from American to Jewish dishes and more.
Format: Hardcover three-ring binder, 252 pages.
Copyright: N/A. Likely early 1980's but there is no copyright stated. A third edition was printed in the 80's.
Publisher: Leo Baeck Temple Los Angeles (Bel Air) California
Author: Members of The Leo Baeck Temple
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Description: This is a Jewish temple cookbook from Leo Baeck Temple in Los Angeles. Recipes contain the names of their contributors. Dishes range from American favorites to Jewish recipes including Hamantashen and Challah, plus all sorts of other styles. We even see a cookie that's close to our hearts, a Dutch treat called Tante Rachel's Boterkoek (cookies).
Condition: Interior pages are in good condition, clean and crisp. The binder too is in good condition. There is no printing on the cloth three-ring binder and no other copies available online so we cannot confirm this is the original binding. It appears to be.
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