Ladies Aid Cookbook

Ladies Aid Cookbook presents 300 American recipes from community organizations including Sisterhoods, Guilds, Societies, Auxiliaries, and more. 


Format: Hardcover with dust jacket, 186 pages 

Copyright: 1971 

Publisher: The Stephen Greene Press 

Author: Beatrice Vaughan 

ISBN: 9780828901253

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Additional Details

Description: The Ladies Aid Cookbook is a family cookbook of over 300 tested recipes, all from a time-honored source: the women's community organizations variously named Auxiliary, Sisterhood, Circle, Guild, Society, but almost universally called "Ladies Aid." 

This is cooking that has to be better than best, for into it has gone the culinary know-how of generations of American women outdoing themselves in behalf of public suppers and "socials," of old-time institutional food sales and bazaars organized to raise funds for community projects and helpful endeavor -- a true nourishing of the American way throughout our land. 

Thus, the book offers a full range of choice for the meal planner and budgeter: Soups, Stews, Chowders, Salads, Fish, Meats, Poultry. Casseroles and Lunch/Supper dishes. Vegetables. Breads. Pies, Cakes, Puddings. Sandwiches and Beverages. 

Distributed through the book are the author's own vignettes of potluck suppers, box socials, country receptions, sunshine baskets, and summer food sales; so that Beatrice Vaughan again has written a cookbook "as delightful to read as to cook by!" 


Condition: Good condition. 

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