Kehillath Israel Temple Cookbook - Pacific Palisades, California
Kehillath Israel Temple Cookbook - Pacific Palisades, California contains a blend of cuisines. Some of the dishes are Jewish recipes like Noodle Kugel with Corn, Food Processor Latkes, and Taiglach, but most are American and European favorites of the temple's members.
Format: Softcover spiral bound, 106 pages
Copyright: 1984
Publisher: Kehillath Israel, Pacific Palisades, CA
Author: Sisterhood of Sisterhood Kehillath Israel, Jewish Congregation of Pacific Palisades.
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Description: A book of favorite recipes compiled by Sisterhood of Kehillath Isreal is a Jewish temple fundraising cookbook. Recipes contain the name of their respective contributor.
Condition: Cover has frayed edges and creases. Interior good condition.
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