Junior League of Duluth, Minnesota Cookbook - Thyme for All Seasons

Junior League of Duluth, Minnesota Cookbook - Thyme for All Seasons is packed with best recipes of the League's members. Each recipe contains the name of its respective contributor. Some of the standout dishes are Irish Coffee Souffle, Grama's Shrimp Dip, and Hoosier Pie. 


Format: Softcover spiral bound, 298 pages. 

Copyright: 1984, Second Edition 

Publisher: The Junior League of Duluth, Inc. 

Author: Members of The Junior League of Duluth, Minnesota 

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Description: Northern Minnesota, known for its short growing season, still offers a potpourri of ingredients to tantalize the most creative cooks. Spring and summer provides and abundance of home-grown fruits and vegetables and a wide variety of fresh fish. As the air turns crisp, wild rice and game are plentiful. Soups and stews warm cold winter days. Combine this with the ethnic cultures of the area and Thyme for All Seasons by the Junior League of Duluth, Minnesota has a wide selection of recipes from which to choose. Enjoy! 


Condition: Good condition. Inside cover has an inscription in ink to the owner. Outside bottom of pages have small spots, seen when book is closed.

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