Chefs of IACP For the Love of Food
For the Love of Food presents recipes and stories from the chefs of the international association of culinary professionals (IACP). Some of the chef contributors are Rick Bayless, Rick Tramonto, Todd English, Mary Sue Milliken, and Charlie Trotter.
Format: Hardcover with dust jacket, 176 pages.
Copyright: 2005
Publisher: The International Association of Culinary Professionals
Author: The International Association of Culinary Professionals
ISBN: 9780976451709
$14.00 $11.99
Additional Details
Description: This book is not for those who merely like food. This book is not for those who simply appreciate food. No -- this book is for those who love food. If you understand the cultural and ethereal impact of food, if you truly love food, read on.
The International Association of Culinary Professionals [IACP] is the largest and most prestigious international group of food professionals in existence, and the best of the best are found within its membership. Outstanding food writers, food photographers, culinary historians, marketing professionals, food manufacturers, and cooking teachers claim membership in the IACP. These people are recognized worldwide as authorities through their diligent work and their collective endeavors within the organization. One day a group of chefs and restaurateur members decided to step forward and make their expertise and passion known, too. And what more appropriate idea than to publish a cookbook featuring a collection of recipes, memories, and stories from this distinguished and diverse group?
Compiling recipes and stories from the chefs included here was a labor of love for everyone involved. The recipes were lovingly and lavishly prepared and photographed by food photographers and food stylists who are also members of the IACP. The end result: A compendium of visits inside the heads and kitchens of some of the most creative and talented chefs in the world today.
Condition: Good condition.
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