Junior League of Huntsville Heritage Cookbook Alabama

Originally published in 1967, this Junior League of Huntsville Heritage Cookbook, the book has carried on through this years. This is the 1981 printing of the original book. Recipes were contributed by members of the Junior League of Huntsville, Alabama. The cookbook also contains some recipes from local restaurants like Mrs. Harrison Hopper's Karo Pie from the famous Mrs. Hoppers Nashville tearoom served in World War I. 


Format: Hardcover, 387 pages. 

Copyright: 1981, Tenth Printing 

Publisher: The Junior League of Huntsville 

Author: Members of The Junior League of Huntsville 

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Description: Huntsville Heritage Cookbook by the Junior League of Huntsville, Alabama is a culinary historical souvenir. League members and their friends and family contributed their recipes for the making of this cookbook. This is the 1981 printing of the book. 


Condition: Good condition. 

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