Georgia's Historic Restaurants Cookbook

Georgia's Historic Restaurants cookbook features 130 recipes from restaurants like Mrs. Wilkes' Boarding House and The Veranda. Inside this cookbook lies the dishes of the Old South blended with today's cuisines of the region. You'll enjoy classics like black-eye pea soup, peach pan pie, and more like these. 


Format: Hardcover and dust jacket, 204 pages 

Copyright: 1990, Third Printing 

Publisher: John F. Blair Publisher 

Author: Dawn O'Brien and Jean Spaugh 

ISBN: 9780895870568

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Description: When you think of dining in Georgia, visions of gracious hospitality and generous quantities of good food come to mind. As Dawn O'Brien and Jean Spaugh traveled around the state, they discovered that these traditions have not been lost with the encroachment of fast-paced living. 

The structures that house the 50 restaurants described in Georgia's Historic Restaurants cookbook reflect Georgia's ability to combine the best of the Old South with the best of changing times. The image of antebellum mansions comes to life in places like The South­ern Trace and Susina Plantation. But there are also more simple structures like The Farmhouse, Mrs. Wilkes' Boarding House, and The Veranda that reflect by-gone lifestyles. 

Every featured restaurant is housed in a build­ing at least fifty years old and some restaurateurs were very creative when searching for a structure to renovate. Places like an old tobacco barn in the piney wood near the Okefenokee Swamp, a Renaissance Gothic church, and an old mill all serve quite different functions from their original design. Victorian mansions, elegant resort hotels along Georgia's coast, inns that once served the tourists traveling to and from Florida, an old fish camp, and a true Victorian tea room all reflect some aspect of Georgia's history and culture. 

The food to be found in these establishments also reflects long-standing traditions as well as new adventures. The over 130 recipes taken from the menus of these restaurants reflect an empha­sis on freshness, whether it is vegetables, sea­food, or some more exotic staple. 

Although recipes for Southern dishes such as shredded yams, black-eyed pea soup, cornbread, and peach pan pie can be found here, you'll also find more sophisticated fare that can compete with the finest continental cuisine in the world. Geor­gia offers the best of both worlds and its restau­rants show us why. 


Condition: Good condition 

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