Easy Cookin' in Nevada and Tales of the Sagebrush State: Signed Edition

Easy Cookin' in Nevada and Tales of the Sagebrush State is a signed cookbook with regional dishes and historical vignettes from the state of Nevada. 


Format: Softcover, 208 pages. 

Copyright: 2000 

Publisher: Anthony Press 

Author: June Broili 

ISBN: 9780961555757

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Additional Details

Description: This cookbook -- like Nevada's lifestyle -- is varied and versatile. It can be used for simple, traditional, or gourmet cooking. The recipes will provide dozens of tasty delights, with much more than the usual cookbook fare to offer. 

For example, for those who might want to bake wheat-free cakes or cookies, recipes are there. Vegetarian recipes are included too. A few native recipes appear, compiled from the home economics classes taught at the Stewart Indian School outside of Carson City, which was closed in 1980. In addition, wild fowl and game recipes are included for those who like to hunt. 

For those who are new to Nevada, historical vignettes have been included. Nevada's uniqueness flows through the pages in stories about the early settlers, thriving towns that were abandoned almost as fast as they were developed, and various settlements that came to life with modern technology. As time passed, traditions and cultures took hold, and Nevada's heritage grew into today's world of sophistication. 


Condition: Good condition. 

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