Dutch Valley Restaurant Cookbook - Sugarcreek Ohio - Amish

Dutch Valley Restaurant Cookbook - Sugarcreek Ohio contains a recipe collection contributed by employees of the Amish restaurant. It also includes a chapter of recipes from the restaurant including its Potato Soup, Meat Loaf, Chicken Noodle Dressing Casserole, Cornmeal Bread, Yum Yum Bars, Italian Cream Cake, Pecan Pie and about 35 more. The rest of the over 250+ pages show the employee dishes along with their respective name and title. 


Format: Softcover spiral bound, 288 pages. 

Copyright: 1995 

Publisher: Dutch Valley Restaurant, Inc. 

Author: Dutch Valley Restaurant 

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Additional Details

Description: The Dutch Valley Restaurant Cookbook feature employee compiled recipes, plus over 40 recipes from the restaurant itself. The restaurant is located in Sugarcreek, Ohio and specializes in Amish kitchen cooking. 


Condition: Very good condition. 

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