Domestic Science Principles and Application 1921

This 1921 Domestic Science Principles and Application nearly antique cookbook was designed as a course for in school cookery and includes recipes and instructional information. 


Format: Hardcover, 375 pages. 

Copyright: 1921 

Publisher: Webb Publishing Company 

Author: Author goes here 

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Description: Domestic Science Principles and Application is a cookbook course that begins with a lesson in organization and an introduction to kitchen utensils. The recipes included in the course have been gathered from various sources and adapted to the course in school cookery. 

This 1921 edition was revised to include material on the cold pack method of canning vegetables and fruits, 100 calorie portions of common foods, tables and lists of foods with their ash constituents, together with many changes in recipes to conform to the more thorough application of the principles involved and to the economic food conditions of the time. 


Condition: Good condition. 

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