Cooking the Spanish Way Cookbook - Vintage

Cooking the Spanish Way Cookbook is a 1960 vintage recipe book with Spanish dishes. Recipes include Spanish and English names. This is a great vintage cookbook on a cuisine for which a limited variety of cookbooks are available.  


Format: Hardcover and dust jacket, 223 pages  

Copyright: 1960 

Publisher: Spring Books 

Author: Elsa Behrens 

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Description: If you enjoy food you will enjoy Spanish cooking. In Spain the daily meal is a real occasion, a time for conversation, laughter, a family reunion and above all time for savoring the pleasures of good eating. 

This book will conjure up memories of Spain for those who have been there, and if you have not, you will find it a real adventure to try cooking in the Spanish way. Colorful and varied, Spanish food is daring in its mixture of unusual ingredients. You will find it full of flavor and imagination and with the help of Elsa Behrens you can bring a whole battery of new ideas to your own home cooking. 

Take for example the famous Spanish paella. This rice dish can range from the most exotic meal garnished with chicken and every kind of sea food to being simply a delicious means of using up scraps of food of every description. For the Spanish realize that rice enhances the taste of the food and spices with which it is cooked. Try making Spanish rice next time you have some left-overs. 

You will find also succulent meat dishes, stews and casseroles transformed by the addition of a few herbs and a glass of wine; egg recipes including, of course, easy-to-make Spanish omelettes; soups that are different; vegetable dishes; delicious sweets; a variety of Spanish sauces with their exquisite, mysterious flavors which can make all the difference to a simple meal. 

Elsa Behrens has lived and traveled in Spain for so long that she is almost a native, and in her introduction she takes you on a grand tour of that colorful country. You will find the recipes for all the dishes she mentions in her travels, with their Spanish as well as English names so that if you ever go to Spain you will recognize them on the menu, and be able to make your favorites at home long afterwards - in fact recapture that wonderful holiday feeling. 


Condition: Bookboards and interior pages are in good condition. Dust jacket has shelf wear and top edge is slightly torn. Front cover's interior flap (bottom corner) is clipped. Interior pages show some discoloration (dark/aging). 

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