Junior League of Harrisburg A Capital Affair Cookbook

Junior League of Harrisburg A Capital Affair Cookbook offers a range of recipe favorites from League members and the community. This is the first cookbook published by this Junior League group and one of the more desirable Junior League cookbooks published. 


Format: Hardcover, 224 pages 

Copyright: 1996, First Edition, First Printing 

Publisher: Junior League of Harrisburg, PA 

Author: Members of the Junior League of Harrisbug 

ISBN: 9780965889209

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Additional Details

Description: A capital affair is deliberately rich in meaning. First, it represents our region-the City of Harrisburg, capital of Pennsylvania, and its diverse surrounding areas: Carlisle, Boiling Springs, New Bloomfield, Gettysburg and Hershey, each with unique appeal.

We also chose a capital affair to connote the kinds of recipes selected for this cookbook -- exceptional ones we delight in preparing for special celebrations. You will find here the perfect tastes to prepare when you are the host of "a capital affair," those that make the cuisine a conversation piece of the party and inspire the guests to request recipes. 

Food brings people together. Almost from its inception, the production of this cookbook has been a joyful experience for our organization. Like people who break bread together, we bonded as we participated in each stage of the production. We hope that you have as much joy in preparing and presenting these recipes as we did in discovering, tasting and sharing them with you! 


Condition: Good condition. 

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