Viennese Cooking: Vienna's Most Famous Cookbook

Viennese Cooking: Vienna's Most Famous Cookbook is a classic book for Austrian recipes, with all kinds of dishes including the world-popular Viennese pastries and desserts. 


Format: Hardcover with dust jacket, 320 pages. 

Copyright: 1985 

Publisher: Crown Publishers 

Author: Olga Hess and A. Hess 

ISBN: 9780517506684

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Description: Here is Vienna's world-renowned guide to Austrian cooking and baking. The thousand recipes cover completely soups; entrees and appetizers; fish; meats, poultry; game; ragouts, goulash, stews and one-pot meals; vegetables, rice and macaroni; salads; cakes, cookies and pastries; desserts; sauces, relishes and spreads; beverages. Weights and measures are converted to American usage, and where ingredients may be difficult to obtain, tested substitutes are used. There is a complete index. 

Viennese cooking has a unique pedigree. For many centuries Vienna, capital city of a mighty empire, and situated on the crossroads of Central Europe, drew its cultural incentive from a variety of nations. Viennese epicures considered cookery a matter of national pride, and created a school from the preferred dishes of herdsmen from the Hungarian plains and the Transylvanian and Carpathian Mountains, the food of Alpine lumbermen, the fare of Czech peasants and Serb mountaineers, the extravaganzas of Polish nobles and Turkish pashas, the dainties of Italian seamen and Levantine traders. They kept and improved the best. 

Fortunately, this culinary tradition survived the empire's collapse. Mrs. Olga Hess, director of Vienna's leading household school and the State Institute of Feminine Professions -- assisted by her late husband, Court Councilor Professor Adolf Hess, founder of the first Austrian Hotel School -- gathered in their classic work the gems of one of the most refined eating traditions of the civilized world. 

Now, Mrs. Carla Schlesinger, native Austrian cooking expert, has translated the latest edition of the famous Wiener Kuche, and adapted it completely for the American Home. 


Condition: Good condition. 

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