The Stuffed Griffin Utility Club Georgia

The Stuffed Griffin is a cookbook with recipes collected by members of the Utility Club of Griffin, Georgia. Recipes contain the name of the respective contributor. 


Format: Plastic softcover spiral bound, 370 pages. 

Copyright: 1982 

Publisher: Wimmer Cookbooks 

Author: Utility Club of Griffin, Georgia 

ISBN: 9780960758401

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Additional Details

Description: The Griffin is a mythical animal, half eagle, half lion, but there is nothing mythical about this recipes collection, "stuffed" cover to cover with parties, tips, and recipes ranging from easy to elegant. Griffin, Georgia mingles the gracious traditions of its Southern heritage with the cosmopolitan flair of its neighboring metropolis, Atlanta. 

Each section in The Stuffed Griffin cookbook has been tested, edited, and evaluated to give you, the discerning cook, the best recipes of middle Georgia, where gracious "dining in" is a practiced art. 


Condition: Good condition. 

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