Better Homes and Gardens Pies and Cakes

Better Homes and Gardens Pies and Cakes is a vintage cookbook centered around some amazing desserts. We love the cover art of this pie and cake recipe book from the experts at Better Homes and Gardens test kitchens. Pumpkin Orange Crunch Pie, Fudge Ribbon Pie, Pink Apple Pie Alaska, Sour Cream Choco Cake, and many many more delicious desserts fill this vintage cookbook's pages. 


Format: Hardcover, 90 pages 

Copyright: 1972, First Edition, Ninth Printing 

Publisher: Meredith Corporation 

Author: Better Homes & Gardens 

$12.00 $10.99

Additional Details

Description: Inside Better Homes and Gardens Pie and Cakes vintage cookbook you'll discover spicy fruit pies, smooth cream pies, cloud-light chiffon, and frosty parfait pies -- pies that are standards and favorites with excellent cooks and recipes with a different twist. 

In addition, you'll enjoy cake recipes that are the keys to serving a beautiful, light, tender delicately flavored cake. Marashino Cherry Cake, Petits Fours, Molasses Pound Cake, and Snow-Capped Lemon Roll are a few of the amazing recipes you'll find inside this inspiring and mouthwatering vintage cookbook classic. 


Condition: Good condition. Small tear in spine and two white spots on back cover. 

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