Make It Minnesotan Sesquicentennial Cookbook

With 150 years of recipes and stories from Minnesota kitchens, the Make It Minnesotan Sesquicentennial Cookbook is packed with all kinds of recipe from restaurants, inns, and organizations from the state. 


Format: Hardcover spiral bound, 221 pages. 

Copyright: 2008 

Publisher: Nodin Press 

Author: Claire Plank 

ISBN: 9781932472745

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Additional Details

Description: The recipes gathered in this delightful cookbook come from every corner of the great state of Minnesota. They reflect the remarkable diversity of the state's population and the broad sweep of its history. 

Ojibwe and Dakota residents appear side by side with those for soups and stews from farmhouse kitchens, exotic nouveau appetizers, and savoury dishes fit to feed a famished crowd. Ethnic specialties such as Pierogis, Tourtière, Rommegrot and Klub summon memories of the state's immigrant past, while dishes from Somalia, Mexico, Indonesia and other countries shed a fascinating light on the state's ever-changing population. 

From rabbit to rhubarb, from venison to veggie burgers, there's something here for everyone who's interested in cooking -- and eating -- good food! 


Condition: Good condition. 

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